Oct 6, 2020
Austin Cavelli (@qualitycarnivore) is a Physician Assistant and Dietary Consultant using the carnivore diet to help people reduce inflammation, get lean, and improve their health. She holds a Master’s in Medical Sciences from Cornell and takes an approach of food quality and bio-individuality to helping people. Check out her website at QualityCarnivore.com.
This episode is brought to you by Optimal Carnivore. Do you struggle to eat organ meat?
Optimal Carnivore was created by Carnivores for Carnivores.
They created a unique organ complex from grass-fed animals in New Zealand. It includes 9 different organs - Liver, Brain, Heart, Thymus, Kidney, Spleen, Pancreas, Lung etc.
Taking 6 capsules is the same as eating an ounce of raw organ meat from the butcher.
Get 10% off your order by going to https://amzn.to/3hSXXtu and using the code: carnivore10 at checkout!
(currently only shipping within the US)
What questions would you like answered or who would you like to hear from in the carnivore or research community?