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The Carnivore Cast is a podcast focused on the carnivore diet and lifestyle with practical advice from successful carnivores, citizen scientists, and top researchers answering your burning questions and meaty topics. 

Oct 27, 2018


Daniel Wiseman, known on Twitter as @SteakandIron, is a 32 year old engineer in Northern California. Daniel has previously tried a low-cost vegan diet and became fatsick, and in his words “an old man”. Daniel decided to question dogma and myths around nutrition, health, and more. He ultimately relieved those his...

Oct 22, 2018

Dr. Shawn Baker (@SBakerMD) uses his outspoken voice to inspire thousands of people to experiment with and thrive on carnivore. He is an orthopedic surgeon and lifelong multi-sport athlete competing at the highest levels and setting world records in Concept 2 erging, highland games, deadlifting, and rugby. He’s a...

Oct 18, 2018

Siobhan Huggins (@Siobhan_Huggins) is an outstanding citizen scientist who breaks down interesting problems and synthesizes the latest science. She has done extensive work into how lipids impact the immune system and chronic diseases. Siobhan has lost ~80 pounds on keto/carnivore, reversed hypertension, and normalized...

Oct 14, 2018

Pamela J Kenney (@PamKenney) has been a carnivore for a year and a half. She’s cured her IBS, improved her body composition and overall health, and most importantly her relationship with food through carnivore. Pam shares her story and pictures of her delicious cooking with thousands of followers on her Instagram 

Oct 8, 2018

L. Amber O’Hearn (@KetoCarnivore) has been a carnivore for almost 10 years and has dedicated herself to deeply researching the science of ketogenic and carnivorous diets for the benefit of folks like us through her blogs and, podcasts like this, and very well-formed lectures on various topics....