Nov 25, 2019
Judy Cho (@nutritionwithjudy) is returning to the Carnivore Cast to talk about #Carnivore75Hard. If you missed our first episode together, definitely please go check it out. It’s one my most listened to episodes and one where I receive the most praise (all because of Judy of course). There we talked about Judy’s...
Nov 22, 2019
Cory Conklin (@selectsavoryseasonings), is a husband, father and the Creative Keto Cook and co-founder of Select Savory Seasonings. His goal is to help people that are sick and tired of being sick and tired by showing them how to cook simple and tasty food that is good for them so that they can lose weight, get healthy...
Nov 15, 2019
Raphael Sirtoli (@raphaels711 / @raphaels7) is the co-founder of the Nutrita App - a low-carb, keto, and carnivore search engine that’s different than any other nutrition app. Raphi is also the founder of the popular nutrition science blog and podcast, Break Nutrition. He has an MSc in Molecular Biology from...
Nov 7, 2019
Lawrence Neal (@highintensitybusiness) is the Founder of High Intensity Business, a business resource to help high intensity training business owners generate more profit in less time. He also hosts the High Intensity Business podcast, formerly the Corporate Warrior podcast, where he’s interviewed over 100 world class...