Dec 16, 2018
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@DrGabrielleLyon) is an integrated medicine physician specializing in Muscle-Centric Medicine. She leverages evidence-based medicine with emerging cutting-edge science to restore metabolism, balance hormones and optimize body composition.
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon and I discuss:
Dec 11, 2018
January 2019 is World Carnivore Month! Join through the World Carnivore Tribe Facebook Group to get started and or just prepare for January.
In this episode veteran podcast guests Travis Statham (@hypercarnivore) and Doug Wright (@Wright_Doug) explain:
Dec 9, 2018
Phil Escott (@Phil_Escott) is a health writer, personal trainer, novelist and drummer who has spent many years in the health and fitness industry, running a gym, writing for many magazines and training hundreds of clients successfully. Phil is the admin of the 100% Carnivore and Beyond Facebook group where he...
Dec 4, 2018
Dr. Ken Berry (@KenDBerryMD), author of Lies My Doctor Told Me, is a practicing physician in a rural town in Tennessee and a carnivore himself. For over a decade, he’s been fighting the epidemics of Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes one patient at a time. More recently, he’s ambitiously scaled...